Workforce Development

UMOS is committed to developing and advancing our nation’s workforce through substantial employer engagement, deep community connections, career advancement, human service supports, industry-driven education, and training.

These programs build the workforce of Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin, by building up the capabilities and livelihoods of individuals and families.

Adult Education

Adult Education

Provides GED preparation in English and Spanish, English as a Second Language (ESL) classes, basic education in reading and math, and High School Equivalency Diploma in partnership with MATC. We are a certified Pearson Vue Test Center located in Milwaukee, WI.

Adult Education

Farm and Food Workers Relief Program

UMOS is proud to offer $600 payments from the USDA to Farmworkers and Meat Packers who worked during the COVID-19 Pandemic.

National Farmworker Jobs

National Farmworker Jobs Program (NFJP)

Provides career services, training, housing, and financial assistance to migrant and seasonal farmworkers (MSFW) and their dependents who reside in Illinois, Missouri, and Wisconsin.

Wisconsin Technology Training

One-WorkForce TechStars

Provides free advanced training in the fields of web and software application development, cyber-security, and medical coding to residents of Wisconsin.


Transitional Jobs (TJ)/Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ)

Offering immediate work with pay, life skills development, and vocational training to residents of select Wisconsin counties.

Wisconsin Works

Wisconsin Works (W-2) & Related Programs

A Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program that provides employment preparation services; case management; and cash, emergency, and refugee assistance to eligible low-income parents, pregnant women, and children.