
Transitional Jobs (TJ)/Transform Milwaukee Jobs (TMJ)

If you have gaps in your work history, have had difficulty holding a job, or have no experience, it can be very difficult to start your career. UMOS’ Transitional Jobs programming helps eligible participants progress from unemployment, to assisted (subsidized) employment, to self-sufficiency (unsubsidized) employment.

Through this program, UMOS is able to offer immediate work with pay, in addition to job coaching, employability planning, life skills development, vocational training, as well as job search assistance.

UMOS case workers will match an individual who is ready to gain employment with a host company who needs workers. UMOS then mobilizes funding from the Wisconsin Department of Children and Families to subsidize this new workers wages for an introductory period. This relaxes the financial liability of a host company, and gives the new worker a chance at a fresh start.

This works to decrease poverty and homelessness, increase the economic stability of individuals and families, forge a self-sufficient labor force, and create a stronger community.


UMOS works in the following communities around Wisconsin. To contact your local Transitional Jobs office, click Contact Us.

Your County of Residence:

Milwaukee County

Florence County
Forest County
Langlade County
Menominee County
Shawano County

Brown County
Marinette County
Oconto County
Outagamie County
Winnebago County

For more information about these services:

UMOS’ Transitional Jobs programs are funded by:

Wisconsin Department of Children and Families