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UMOS is a proud service provider of UFCW FFWR applications

Farm and Food Workers Relief Program

UMOS is proud to offer a one-time $600 payment from the USDA to Farmworkers and Meat Packers who worked during the COVID-19 Pandemic, supporting critical aspects of our nation’s food system. Thank you!

This relief is intended to defray costs for reasonable and necessary personal, family, or living expenses related to the COVID-19 pandemic, such as but not limited to costs for personal protective equipment (PPE), dependent care, and expenses associated with quarantines and testing. This is not a renewable nor annual benefit.


Eligible Farmworkers and Meat Packing Workers have

until May 30th, 2025, to apply for this one-time payment.

What is the Farm and Food Workers Relief Program (FFWR)?

The FFWR program will provide a single, $600 direct relief payment to farm workers and meatpacking workers, for expenses incurred due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Who is eligible?

Frontline workers who worked in farming activities and meatpacking at any time during the COVID-related major disaster declaration period (January 27, 2020 through May 11, 2023) are eligible to receive this one-time funding.

What is needed to apply?

Workers will need to provide sufficient proof of employment at a food processing facility, meatpacking facility, or farm. Workers must also submit sufficient proof of identity when requesting funds.

Potential Proof of Identity Documents

*at least one of these items

  • State issued drivers licenses or Identification
  • Consular or Government Issued Identification (Foreign or Domestic)
  • H2A Visa/ H2B Visa
  • Any other photo identification
  • Non-Photo Identification: Two forms of other documentation with individual’s name

Potential Proof of Employment Documents

*at least one of these items

  • W-2 Tax Form
  • Paystub
  • Employer Letter/Contract
  • H2A Visa/ H2B Visa
  • Photographic Evidence (at worksite)

Online Pre-Application

This application is free of charge.
Esta solicitud no tiene cobro.

Completing an online pre-application alerts UMOS of your interest. It also provides UMOS- FFWR staff with your information so that we may contact you to complete the application process.
Completar una presolicitud en línea alerta a UMOS de su interés. También proporciona al personal de UMOS-FFWR su información para que podamos comunicarnos con usted para completar el proceso de solicitud.

You may proceed to fill out a Pre-Application with UMOS if you lived and/or worked as a farm/food, livestock, or meat processing worker in the following states during the COVID 19 National Emergency Declaration Period (January 27, 2020 – May 11,  2023):  Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin.
Puede preceder a completar una Pre-Solicitud con UMOS si fue un trabajador de procesamiento de alimentos o trabajador de una planta cárnica que vivió y/o trabajó en los siguientes estados durante la Pandemia COVID 19 (27 de Enero 2020 – 11 de Mayo 2023):  Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin, and Louisiana.


  • To be considered for this relief program, please fill out the pre-application below to the best of your abilities.
  • If you do not know the answer to a question, leave it blank.
  • Please be sure to enter a phone number or email so that our Customer Support Associates can contact you to obtain additional required information.
  • After completing the UMOS FFWR Pre-Application, please call 833-758-2004 for next steps to complete the process.

After completing the UMOS FFWR Pre-Application, please call 833-758-2004 for next steps to complete the process.

Farm and Food Workers Relief Program Contacts

The following organizations have partnered with UMOS to provide FFWR program benefits. If you reside in the following states, you may contact our partnering agencies and apply for the $600 direct one-time relief payment.


Harvest America


Proteus Inc.

COLORADO and surrounding area

Project Protect Food Systems


Avoid scams and fraud by keeping these in mind:

  • Only organizations awarded the grant by the USDA may process Farm and Food Workers Relief (FFWR) applications.
  • Approved organizations were announced summer 2022 and posted on:
  • Never pay for application assistance. There is no need to pay for application assistance. There will be no cost to apply for Farm and Food Workers Relief (FFWR).
  • This is a two-year program. Relief payments may not be made available at the same time throughout the country. Approved grantees may have different open application periods. Please go to the FFWR website when the announcements are posted and look for the grantee in your region to assist you.
  • Keep your information safe. Never provide personal documents or any form of identification to unapproved organizations.
  • There is no need to go to a notary for the Farm and Food Workers Relief (FFWR) program.



  • No hay necesidad de ir a un notario para aplicar para el programa de Alivio Económico para Trabajadores Agrícolas y de Alimentos (Farm and Food Worker Relief Program o FFWR, por sus siglas en inglés)
  • Solo las organizaciones que reciben la subvención del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos (USDA, por sus siglas en inglés) pueden procesar las solicitudes de los trabajadores agrícolas y alimentos.
  • Las organizaciones aprobadas se anunciaron en el verano del 2022 y se publicaron en la pagina de internet del Departamento de Agricultura de los Estados Unidos. Tome en cuenta: Este programa tiene un término de dos años. Es posible que los pagos de alivio no estén disponibles al mismo tiempo en todo el país. Las organizaciones aprobadas pueden tener diferentes períodos de solicitud. Visite el sitio web de FFWR cuando se publiquen los anuncios y busque una organización seleccionada para servirle.
  • Mantenga su información segura. Nunca proporcione documentos personales o cualquier forma de identificación a organizaciones no aprobadas..
  • Asistencia de solucitud es gratis no hay necesidad de pagar por la asistencia con la solicitud. No habrá ningún costo por la solicitud del programa de Alivio Económico para Trabajadores Agrícolas y de Alimentos.

UMOS is an Equal Opportunity Service Provider. Auxiliary aids and resources are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

For more information about these services:

Call:  1-833-758-2004

UMOS’ Farm and Food Worker Relief Program is funded 100% by:

The US Department of Agriculture