Although these are the training workshops we offer, we also offer customized training upon request. All training is contextualized to your area of work.
Comprehensive Look Into Human Trafficking
This training is something unique we offer and is typically a half-day comprehensive look into human trafficking. In this training you can expect a full overview of sex and labor trafficking trends around Wisconsin. We will also look into trauma, case studies, collaboration, resource acquisition for survivors, and screening and identification of victims. This training is great for an agency looking for a full introduction into human trafficking. This training can also be done as a community wide effort that includes a number of service providers and law enforcement. This training typically runs 3-5 hours with breaks and Q&A included.
Human Trafficking 101
Human trafficking 101 is our entry level training. This training would be best suited for a group who has had little to no interaction with human trafficking content. You will learn about sex and labor trafficking, trauma, Wisconsin trends, resources and legal remedies available to victims and how to be involved. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-2 hours.
This training is a comprehensive look into the world of labor trafficking. You will learn about force, fraud and coercion, the AMP model, common labor trafficking industries as well as other factors specific labor trafficking. This training would be good for someone who has had HT 101 and wants a more in depth look at labor trafficking. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-2 hours.
Sex Trafficking
This training gives comprehensive insight into the world of sex trafficking. You will learn and the process of recruitment and grooming. In addition, you will learn about trauma related to sex trafficking victims. We will also discuss case studies and contextualize the content to your agency. We will also give an overview of safety planning and harm reduction. This training is good for anyone who may come into contact with sex trafficking victims. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-2 hours.
Youth Focused
This training is geared specifically towards youth service providers and those who work with youth. You will learn how a youth may be recruited into human trafficking, best avenues of response, and trauma a youth may experience. We will also discuss harm reduction and safety planning catered toward this demographic. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-2 hours.
Medical and Clinical Providers
This is one of our more advanced trainings geared towards medical providers and professionals in clinical settings who may come into contact with trafficking victims. You will learn all about trauma specifically related to human trafficking victims, as well as partake in case studies and discussions contextualized to your setting. Lastly, we will discuss best methods of response to a potential trafficking situation. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-2 hours.
Law Enforcement
This training is specifically for law enforcement. You will learn the process of a human trafficking case from start to finish, what the role of local law enforcement is and how advocacy organizations and law enforcement can work alongside each other. We will also give insight into legal remedies, state and federal law, as well as best response practices in a trafficking recovery and case. You will also learn about trauma informed care as it related to victims of human trafficking. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-2 hours.
Advanced Screening and Identification
Screening is a vital part in the identification of victims of trafficking, and it is extremely important screening is done the right way.This is another one of our more advanced training that focuses on the screening of victims and identification of victims. This training is good for a service professional who has some base knowledge of human trafficking but needs to know more information on how to screen and properly refer a victim. This training workshop typically ranges from 1-3 hours.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will you travel to our office to conduct a training?
Yes, we have staff throughout the state of Wisconsin.
How many people should come to the training?
This depends on your need. We have conducted training for a few people up to a few hundred. We can accommodate all sizes.
What media requirements are needed for a training?
We have the ability to bring a projector and laptop along with us. However, if an office already has equipment, we can also utilize that.
Is there any follow up after the training?
Yes, we offer technical assistance for any needed follow up.
Will the training be applicable to the work we do?
Yes, we will contextualize the content to the work you do to ensure the training is most effective.
Is there a cost for the training?
No, all services of our program are free.