Know Your Rights
You have the right to a safe and healthy work environment! If you need assistance, UMOS Latina Resource Center is here for you! We can assist with safety planning and educate you on your rights.
A path for your safety, wellness, and empowerment. You are not alone!
The UMOS Latina Resource Center Crisis Line is available 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK:
Here are some common indicators to help recognize worker rights violations, labor exploitation, or potential labor trafficking:
- Transported to other cities or states to work that were not listed in your contract
- Worked without receiving your payment
- Has a debt to the employer that can’t be paid off (For transportation, recruitment fees, housing, food)
- Deprived of food, water, sleep, and/or medical care
- Threatened you with deportation or contacting authorities
- Fearful and/or intimidated by the employer, supervisor, and/or crew leader
- Taken away your passport, birth certificate, or identification card
- Transported to other cities or states to work that were not listed in your contract
Deciding to advocate for yourself against a harmful workplace can become the most difficult moment of your life.
Your Rights:
The Right To Have A Healthy And Safe Workplace
- Medical Treatment: You have the right to report work-related injuries and illnesses to your employer. You may seek medical treatment if you are injured or get sick at work.
- Training: You have the right to receive training on hazards, methods of safety & health standards in a language and vocabulary you can understand.
- Housing: If your employer provides housing, it should be clean and safe. You must be allowed to leave your housing during non-working hours.
- Bathrooms: Bathrooms should be clean and accessible.
The Right To Be Paid Fairly
- You have the right to be paid for all work you do.
- You have the right to earn at least the federal legal minimum wage for most jobs.
- See www.dol.gov/whd/minimumwage.htm
The Right To Leave An Abusive Employment Situation
- You do not have to stay in your job if your employer is abusing you.
The Right To Be Free From Discrimination
- It is unlawful for your employer to treat you differently at work because of your age, gender or sex, race, national origin and ethnicity, color, religion, genetic information, or disability.
The Right To Be Free From Sexual Harassment And Sexual Exploitation
- It is unlawful for your employer to sexually harass you. Your employer should not make any offensive sexual or gender-based comments.
The Right To Request Help From Union Immigrant And Labor Rights Group
- You have the right to ask your employer to improve your wages or working conditions.
Important Phone Numbers:
If you are experiencing any of these indicators Contact WRAP Advocates for assistance: The UMOS Latina Resource Center Crisis Line is available 24 HOURS, 7 DAYS A WEEK:
(414) 389-6510
Emergency Number:
National Human Trafficking Hotline:
(888) 373-7888
UMOS National Farmworker Jobs Program:
(888) 377-7888
Farmworker Project – Legal Action Wisconsin:
(855) 947-2529
UMOS Anti-Human Trafficking services are funded by:
U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime
U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence Against Women
Project Respect/ARC Community Services, Inc.
Howard G. Buffett Foundation